Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Best Day Ever- part deaux

What could possibly warrant a title like that- right? I mean especially since I've never told you about the best day ever- part one.... Well. I am prone to exaggeration, and I have had quite a few best days of my life, but there are just a handfull that really stick out....lets do a count down of the top 5 best days EVER:

5. The day Bye Bye Birdie opened at my Highschool- I played Kim McAfee- thought i was already on Brodaway!

4. NEw Years Eve 2000- Toomers Corner Auburn, AL- The Auburn Knights Orchestra was performing, Clarke was singing, I was surrounded by my best friends.

3. Flotilla 2008- Spent the day with my sisters, the husbands, and the boyfriend floating lazily down a creek-like-tide-pool-thing that ran almost a mile down the beach.

2. The birthday of Sally Beck-- the worlds most perfect niece.

1. YESTERDAY. Last night to be specific, was the best part of the Best Day of My Life. Thats the day I found out that my sister is PREGNANT AGAIN!!!!! I'm gonna be an Aunt Fabulous AGAIN!!! Can you believe it? I can't wait to get home and see my sister and yell and scream and jump around... maybe she will have a boy this time...oh who cares! Its gonna be another baby!! We are so lucky.

So get ready- many more pregnancy updates to follow as we start this next awesome chapter in our lifes. . .

And while we're at it, lets look at the world's most fabulous niece one more time.....

1 comment:

  1. I found you via Pecannoot...and I have to say you do have the cutest niece!!!!
