Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Hear Ye, Hear Ye! I will have a new niece or nephew in exactly ONE WEEK!!! I know, I know, its the greatest news you have ever heard!!! (at least since my first niece, Baby Fabulous, was born). I'm having a hard time containing my excitement!! (!!!!!!!)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

And now for something COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS

IT was getting pretty heavy up in here, so I decided to lighten the mood a bit! Heres what happens when you mix friends, fun, and sweaters:

First the friends.... oh, and I guess we may have mixed a few drinks in there as well.

Then the Fun.....

Then the Sweaters......

I'm pretty sure I was wearing 6 or 7 sweaters all at once- and they are all pretty spectacular on their own. But put them together and what do you get?


Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Last night the moon was so very bright.

Last night I was falling asleep, in that place where you know you are still awake but everything already feels like a dream.... the clouds parted and moonlight filled up my room.

Last night I noticed the change in light from behind my eyelids and for a second I thought I had overslept. But then I opened my eyes just a crack, and then a little bit, and then a little bit more, and then all the way as that great big moon filled up my room.

Yesterday morning my uncle passed away.

Last night my uncle was welcomed into heaven.

And the moon was so very bright.