Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Just around the corner....

We're moving! I'M CRAZY! We're MOVING! I'm crazy! WE'RE MOVING AND I AM CRAZY!!!!!!

Yes, the insanity is upon us, but its not near at the level I've achieved in past moves. Maybe its because this is the 6th time I have moved in 7 years.... (shut UP! Have I actually move six times in seven years...... it appears I have. shut up.) Anyway. I am a pro at moving.

I can't wait to upload pics of our new cute house. We signed the lease today! And let me tell you it was so simple compared to what we have dealt with in the past. Trying to sign a lease in NYC requires two grand, a law degree, xanax and a can of silly string. Today we strolled into that office, signed our name there, there and there, initialed here and here.... and it was over. Took 15 minutes. Beautiful.

So thats just around the corner.... (literally! we are moving around the corner from our current house! Well maybe its more like walk 2 blocks and then turn around the corner, but still. What can I say? I love this neighborhood.)

And something else that is just around the corner......

This is my big debut as "event coordinator"! I have a friend who worked on the film and one day I was emailing her and thought, "i should organize a screening." So I went to my excellent friend Sally, who is also my pastor at East Lake UMC, and proposed the idea..... she was all for it..... so the ball started rolling and now here we are a week away from the event and I am simply AMAZED at what this has become. The movie is only the beginning! Its actually a kick-off event for a summer long book club! And then, WHO KNOWS......i have so many ideas.....

Because of this movie, I have had the pleasure of meeting some fabulous people here in Birmingham. People who care about the same things I do- community, healthy living, sustainability, family. And one thing I have learned about coordinating an event: no one can do it on their own. A coordinator is like a "people manager". You have to know people, you have to know how to get people excited about what you are trying to do, and you have to know when to ask for help. I can't wait till Thursday night when the movie starts rolling and I can stand back and just take it all in.....

So many good things are happening!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Aunt Fabulous.... are you there?

So it seems ever since I was laid off, my blogging has slacked significantly. I guess there are a few positive aspects to being chained to a computer all day long. What's funny is I feel just as busy as I did when I had a job... I have no problem filling up my day with "To-Dos"!

Allow me to fill you, the world wide interweb, in on what has been happening in Aunt Fab's life over the past few weeks....

1. We are moving! We have 2 options for cute little houses with fenced in backyards (Hazel is SO happy about that) and cheaper rent (The humans are SO happy about that). We have to make a decision in a few days and then.... let the packing begin!!!!
2. School is almost over and I have the month of May off before summer semester begins! YAY.
3. I am producing a movie event! With the help of some stellar individuals here in B'ham, I am producing a screening of FRESH by ana Sofia Joanes. The movie night is a kick-off event for a Book-Club/Discussion Group that I am also organizing. The Book Club will meet once a month for 6 months and we are starting it all off by reading a collection of articles and essays written by famous "food scholars" like Michael Pollan, and Wendell Berry. Its gonna be awesome.
4. Speaking of movies, we saw a screening of the movie "Lifted" last night. Clarke was Art Director on that film! It was a sweet little movie- no big blockbuster or anything- but it has a nice message and some great talent (Ruben Studdard, what WHAT!?!)
5. I've been busy creating.... wanna see?

Collage Art...


learning how to Appliqué...

Happy Thursday!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Its here, its here! My favorite time of year! And not just because I have a spring birthday (yep, I turned 31 last week) but because spring means baby birds, green grass, daffodils, wisteria, warm winds, long days...and my birthday.

I took a few pictures of "spring" on my most recent walk with Hazel.....

This one reminds me of "praying hands".... itsn't it lovely? And I didn't really do any touch-ups on it besides warming it up a bit, the light was just that nice.

Happy Spring everyone!